Keeping Our Buses Moving Smoothly
Q: How did you become interested in a career with the public transport industry?
A: I started out as a Train Service Controller with another operator. I chanced upon the opening for a Service Controller role at Go-Ahead Singapore and thought it was interesting. When I joined the company, I was excited to widen my learning opportunities and be a part of public bus operations. Currently, I am the Service Performance Assistant Manager and I oversee a team of 21 Service Controllers.
Q: Tell us about what you do.
A: Together with my team, we ensure that commuters have a smooth journey to their destination. In addition to regulating buses’ frequency, we assist Bus Captains in any unforeseen situations (e.g. bus breakdown, accident, traffic congestion) on the road.
Q: What do you find fulfilling in your everyday work? A: Playing a part in the daily operations that keep our buses moving smoothly and ensuring that commuters are able to arrive at their intended destination safely. When emergencies happen, we have to be adaptable and provide feasible solutions to minimise impact on our operations and commuters.
Q: Share with us any achievement or memorable moment you have experienced in your work.
A: On one quiet weekend night, we received a call from the SMRT Operations Control Centre that our buses were required to support the East West Line for bus bridging. Everyone sprang into action to coordinate the necessary plans immediately. After normal operations resumed, we felt a strong sense of satisfaction from successfully completing the task as a team.
Q: What are the challenges in your role, and how do you overcome them?
A: In the Service Performance team, every day at work is unpredictable. We must be prepared for unexpected situations that may occur. If a particular bus service is facing issues, we work as a team to resolve the matter. Moving from an operational to a management role, besides ensuring that daily operations are run smoothly, I also oversee a team of 21. Being a Service Controller previously has helped me greatly as I am able to relate to the different situations on the ground better, and am able to offer the right advice to my teammates in their work.
Q: As you look at the future of the industry, what excites you the most?
A: Our public bus industry has developed rapidly and I look forward to the many initiatives planned for our people and infrastructure, especially the new innovative clean energy buses.
Q: What would you say to someone considering a role with the industry?
A: If you like to think on your feet and do not want a routine desk job, this is for you. As a bonus, you’ll avoid the rush of morning and evening peak commute!